
This page will document the embeddable language RogueScript, one of my hobby projects. RogueScript is intended to enable an easy, lean, minimal, very straightforward modding interface for the games I will write in the future. It is not intended to be an all-encompassing language but rather something that allows the modification of details (e.g. item effects, monster behaviours, properties of things, etc.).

The idea for RogueScript was born after I took the first programming hiatus in my life (I have been programming since I was 12 or so – all the time). Starting February 2024 I suddenly “had lost it”. Thanks to continuous communication with my good friend Slashie I kept wondering “will my urge to program return?”. Then one day Slashie pointed me towards ZZT, a world I hadn’t learned about so far. Since inventing programming languages is something that always fascinated me I quickly decided to create a new simple language in the spirit of ZZT for my own games. Because I could.

So here we go. This page from now on will contain a slowly growing manual for RogueScript programming.